Sho-Link's August Power Performer Selected
Sho-Link, Inc.

Congratulations to Darryl Lee, from our Nashville office on being selected as the Power Performer winner for August! Darryl has been recognized for working through some changes on the show floor and delivering an excellent performance.He was awarded a gift certificate to
Other recognized Power Performers include:
Aaron Lincoln (5), Bill Shrewsbury, Brian Roberts (3), Chris Avaritt, Dave Benson, Dave Maglott, David Brassell (5), Frank Kocimski, George Boyd, Gino Kopel (2), Jerry Regep (2), Joey Brassell (3), Jose Vargas, Leandra Spontak, Matt Tidwell, Randy McCutchen (2), Ron Heuring, Stephan Mahoney, Steve Watson, Wanda Jones and Wayne Long.
Thank you,
Sho-Link, Inc.
Your Partner on the Show Floor