Sho-Link's September Power Performers Selected

Congratulations to Joe Reyna, from the San Antonio office on being selected as the Power Performer winner for September 2018! He has been recognized for being professional and willing to do whatever it takes to get the job done. He is being awarded a gift card for his efforts.
We would also like to Congratulate Neil Blackburn, from Lancaster Management Services on being selected as the Affiliate Power Performer winner for September!
Other recognized Power Performers include:
Bill Force, Dave O'Keefe, David Boudreaux, Ed Cagle, Frank Kocimski, Garry Bunch, Gino Kopel, Jeff Falardeau, Jeff Magney, John Harrington, Ken Kendel, Kory Kraus, Leandra Spontak (2), Lindsey Elser, Otis Booker, Richard Boger, Rick McCulloch, Sam Kopp, Scott Ciepley, Stephan Mahoney & William Goza.
If one of our employees has impressed you lately, please recognize them as a Power Performer by completing this brief form Online Power Performer.
Thank you,
Sho-Link, Inc.
Your Partner on the Show Floor