Sho-Link's October Power Performers Selected

Congratulations to Tammy Brassell, from the Nashville office on being selected as the Power Performer winner for October 2019! She has been recognized for her attention to detail and her care for the clients. She is being awarded a gift card for her efforts.
We would also like to Congratulate Strother Jones, from Legacy Exhibitor Services on being selected as the Affiliate Power Performer winner for October!
Other recognized Power Performers include:
Adrian Bottrell, Alex Stephenson, Alex Tirado, Alvin Decuir, Andy Saab, Angelo Tripoli, Austin Harju (4), Bill Force, Billy Pires, Brandon Speck, Brian Roberts (3), Charles Laverty (2), Chris Brandt, Chris Magney, Chris Valentine, Cory Cummings, Dan Koski, Dan O'Day (2), Damian Maggs, Dave Benson (2), Dave O'Keefe (2), David Brassell (2), David Davilla, Donte Muhammed, Edilio Marchetti, Elliott Walker (2), Frank Kocimski (3), Fred Ledford, Gary Fuchs, Gino Kopel (4), Greg Matthews, Isaac Rodriguez, Jake Cluchey (2), James Rosenberry, Jamie McCaskill, Jarad Gusfa, Javier Caballero, Jerell Maldonado (2), Jermayne Jefferson, Jesse Amador (3), Jesse Reyna, Joe Spangler, Joey Brassell (2), Joe Rosenheim, Joe Terzi (2), John Cook, Johnny Rosenberry, Jon Flodstrom, Jose Zavala, Justin McCurdy (2), Karrick Meikle, Kelly O'Brien, Kirk Kraus, Kory Kraus, Larry Atko, Larry Roberts (2), Marci Tarpy, Mark Haven, Mark Speck, Matt Brosseau (2), Mike Cobb, Mike Darland (2), Mike York, Nickolas Bryant, Randy McCutchen (2), Rene Sandoval, Richard Boger (2), Richard Polendo, Robert Mantilla, Roy Frias, Rudy Villa, Ryan Stinson, Sam Blankenship, Sam Kopp (2), Sarah Metcalf, Scott Ciepley, Scott Fabing (2), Stephan Mahoney (3), Steve Bierbryer, Steve Dubois, Steve Micros, Suzie Weygandt, Terrance Murphy, Todd Laughton, Tony Belk, Tony Gonzalez, Vern Johnson, Wally Paleczek (2) & Wes Weaver.
If one of our employees has impressed you lately, please recognize them as a Power Performer by completing this brief form Online Power Performer.
Thank you,
Sho-Link, Inc.
Your Partner on the Show Floor