SHO-LINK, Inc. Launches "Sho-Link Connect"

The above icon will be used to represent the upcoming Sho-Link Connect mobile app, which has a projected launch date of 1st quarter of 2018.
Sho-Link, Inc. has launched "Sho-Link Connect", an internal website geared for I.T. tech-related support. The purpose of this new corporate feature is dedicated solely for the use of Sho-Link personnel and contains resources, training videos and how-to documents, as well as frequently asked questions.
We are very excited about this initiative and hope it will be of great use for everyone. Of course, we are always open to ideas and improvements, so on the main Tech Blog page, you will see a link called "Suggest a topic". You will be taken to a form where you will be asked a series of questions that will aid us in our consideration of addressing such a topic.
Here’s some questions you will be asked:
Basic user contact info.
What software, system or application does your topic relate to?
Explanation of what you would like to see considered.
Why do you feel that a consideration of this topic can help others?
Do you have any work-a-rounds that help you with the above mentioned issue? If so, explain.
