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Sho-Link, Inc.



I was looking over last year's letter that I wrote thanking everyone for the great year we had in 2015, only to see that I predicted something that came true. I said "Enjoy yourself this year, for I suspect it will be quickly racing along, and I will be addressing what a great year we had again." Now, here it is one year later... time truly flies, 2016 is on the books. So, once again I ask for your indulgence, while I reflect on our success in 2016. Yes, the time went fast, very fast. Perhaps I am at the age when the days seem shorter, and the winters come quicker. The old saying, time goes fast when you're having fun, holds true. We did have fun. We participated in joining and sponsoring different industry related associations and supported fellow industry people in need of assistance. We enjoyed our company picnics, and gathered at our annual Leadership meeting. We celebrated new babies, new relationships and new employees. We closed the year with your cities and our corporate year end parties. Twelve employees from around the country were recognized during the year through the Employee Recognition Program and we named our 2016 Employee of the Year. Congratulations to Dave Benson from our San Diego office! We challenged ourselves to implement our core values and applied those values to daily operations. This has proven to be the path to success and respect. Earned respect, the best kind there is.

We asked our members what they needed from us, and they told us. They gave us opportunities to prove that together, when we support each other, we accomplish our goals and exceed expectations, representing a true partnership on the show floor.

Speaking of accomplishments, I again reflect on last year's letter when I said "You should all take some time to stand back and look at what you accomplish on a daily basis." It is not just the physical task of getting an exhibit installed and dismantled, or the project completed, it is more than these tangibles that allow for the end product. To all Sho-Link Managers,

Your responsibilities can be unique; from the hours you put in planning and choosing for the best possible team to put on the floor. The hours you spend away from your families, while often having to console crew members about their challenges of balancing work and personal time. It is about the anxiety you live with deciding who gets to work and who will not make benefit hours. To all Sho-Link team members, I understand the stress of being accountable for things that you don't have direct control over. It is about communicating to different groups of people the same message in words that relate to the world they live in. It is about having the trust and confidence in yourself to ask for help. Acknowledging and giving credit to others while hoping someone recognizes your contributions. It is about the constant last minute changes and having the flexibility to adapt to those changes. It is about dedication to learn new things and keeping up with new technology that is changing the way we do business.

Together, looking forward to the year 2017 let us be challenged.

I say to those that have recently joined Sho-Link, we look forward to your input and enthusiasm. For those of you who have been with Sho-Link for any amount of time, it is because of your commitment, hard work, and enthusiasm and values that we continue to grow as a leader in our industry... I dedicate our success to you. Our goal will remain, share our culture and practice our core values in everything we do. When we do that, we will stand out as a leader. We will support each other, encourage each other, lift each other and carry each other when needed. We must continue to mentor and give opportunities to others. We do this without fear that their success will jeopardize our positions, knowing that this will only serve to strengthen our company. I encourage all to remain opened minded, stay confident in your decisions, and continue to communicate with each other.

To our Members and your company leaders, thank you. To all the Account Executives, Client Team Directors, and Experiential Marketing Consultants, without your strong support, we would simply be just another company. Thank you from everyone at Sho-Link. To our Affiliate network that represents such a major portion of our coverage and success, you have held yourselves to high levels of integrity and loyalty and have represented Sho-Link well. Thank you.

To our Board of Directors, I extend my sincere gratitude to you for your counsel, your confidence and support of myself and Sho-Link this past year.

For me, as President of Sho-Link I appreciate the opportunity to lead an amazing group of people. I will strive to keep the enthusiasm level high and continue to promote our core values. The best to you and your families this year. Stay proud, have fun and remember to take a little time to look back at what you accomplish every day.

Scott Rudel


Sho-Link, Inc.

Your partner on the show floor.

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